Image width.
Image height.
Image options.
alphaWhether the image has an alpha channel or not.
bitThe number of bits per value in each channel.
channelsThe total number of channels in the image, including the alpha channel.
colorThe color model of the image.
componentsThe number of color channels in the image, excluding the alpha channel. A GREY image has 1 component. An RGB image has 3 components.
heightThe number of rows of the image.
maxThe maximum value that a pixel channel can have.
originOrigin of the image relative to a the parent image.
sizeThe total number of pixels in the image (width × height).
widthThe number of columns of the image.
Bottom hat of an image.
options: BottomHatOptionsBottom hat options.
The bottom-hatted image.
Apply Canny edge detection to an image.
options: CannyEdgeOptionsCanny edge detection options.
The processed image.
Close an image.
options: CloseOptionsClose options.
The closed image.
options: ConvertColorOptionsCorrect the colors in an image using the reference colors.
Colors from the image, which will be compared to the reference.
Reference colors.
Image with the colors corrected.
Crop the input image to a desired size.
options: CropOptionsCrop options.
The new cropped image.
Crops the image based on the alpha channel This removes lines and columns where the alpha channel is lower than a threshold value.
Crop alpha options.
The cropped image.
Crop an oriented rectangle from the image. If the rectangle's length or width are not an integers, its dimension is expanded in both directions such as the length and width are integers.
The points of the rectangle. Points must be circling around the rectangle (clockwise or anti-clockwise)
options: CropRectangleOptionsCrop options, see CropRectangleOptions
The cropped image. The orientation of the image is the one closest to the rectangle passed as input.
Apply a derivative filter to an image.
options: DerivativeFilterOptionsDerivative filter options.
The processed image.
Dilate an image.
options: DilateOptionsDilate options.
The dilated image.
options: ConvolutionOptionsDivide image pixels by a constant.
Value which pixels will be divided to.
Divide options.
Divided image.
Draw a circle defined by center and radius onto an image.
Circle center.
Circle radius.
Draw circle options.
The image with the circle drawing.
Draw a line defined by two points onto an image.
Line starting point.
Line ending point.
Draw Line options.
The mask with the line drawing.
Draw a marker on the image.
Marker center point.
Draw marker options.
The image with the marker drawing.
Draw markers on the image.
Markers center points.
Draw marker options.
The image with the markers drawing.
Draw a set of points on an image.
Array of points.
Draw points on Image options.
New mask.
Draw a polygon defined by an array of points onto an image.
Polygon vertices.
Draw Line options.
The image with the polygon drawing.
Draw a polyline defined by an array of points on an image.
Polyline array of points.
Draw polyline options.
The image with the polyline drawing.
Draw a rectangle defined by position of the top-left corner, width and height.
Draw rectangle options.
The image with the rectangle drawing.
Erode an image.
options: ErodeOptionsErode options.
The eroded image.
Extract the pixels of an image, as specified in a mask.
The mask defining which pixels to keep.
options: ExtractOptionsExtract options.
The extracted image.
Flip the image.
options: FlipOptionsFlip options.
The flipped image.
Apply a gaussian filter to an image.
Gaussian blur options.
The blurred image.
Get the coordinates of a point in the image. The reference is the top-left corner.
The point for which you want the coordinates.
Whether the coordinates should be rounded. This is useful when you want the center of the image.
Coordinates of the point in the format [column, row].
Return the raw image data.
The raw data.
Apply a gradient filter to an image.
Gradient filter options.
The gradient image.
options: GreyOptionsOptional
options: HistogramOptionsCalculate a new image that is the hypotenuse between the current image and the other.
Other image.
options: HypotenuseOptionsHypotenuse options.
Hypotenuse of the two images.
Increase the contrast of an image by spanning each channel on the range [0, image.maxValue].
Increase contrast options.
The enhanced image.
Invert the colors of the image.
options: InvertOptionsInversion options.
The inverted image.
Level the image using the optional input and output value. This function allows you to enhance the image's contrast.
options: LevelOptionsLevel options.
The levelled image.
Compute the mean pixel of an image.
options: MeanOptionsMean options.
The mean pixel.
Compute the median pixel of an image.
options: MedianOptionsMedian options.
The median pixel.
Apply a median filter to the image.
Options to apply for median filter.
Image after median filter.
Apply morphological gradient to an image.
options: MorphologicalGradientOptionsMorphological gradient options.
The processed image.
Multiply image pixels by a constant.
Value which pixels will be multiplied to.
Multiply options.
Multiplied image.
Open an image.
options: OpenOptionsOpen options.
The opened image.
Paint a mask onto an image and the given position and with the given color.
Mask to paint on the image.
options: PaintMaskOnImageOptionsPaint mask options.
The painted image.
Compute direct convolution of an image and return an array with the raw values.
Kernel used for the convolution.
options: ConvolutionOptionsConvolution options.
Array with the raw convoluted values.
options: ConvolutionOptionsSet the value of a specific pixel channel. Select pixel using coordinates. If the value is out of range it is set to the closest extremety.
Column index.
Row index.
Channel index.
Value to set.
Set the value of a specific pixel channel. Select pixel using index. If the value is out of range it is set to the closest extremety.
Index of the pixel.
Channel index.
Value to set.
Subtract other from an image.
Image to subtract.
Inversion options.
The subtracted image.
Top hat of an image.
options: TopHatOptionsTop hat options.
The top-hatted image.
options: TransformOptionsOptional
options: TransformRotateOptionsCompute the variance of each channel of an image.
options: VarianceOptionsVariance options.
The variance of the channels of the image.
createCreate a new Image based on the properties of an existing one.
Reference image.
Image options.
New image.
Construct a new Image knowing its dimensions.