Interface TransformRotateOptions

interface TransformRotateOptions {
    borderType?: BorderType;
    borderValue?: number;
    center?: Point | ImageCoordinates;
    fullImage?: boolean;
    height?: number;
    interpolationType?: InterpolationType;
    inverse?: boolean;
    scale?: number;
    width?: number;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


borderType?: BorderType

Specify how the borders should be handled.


borderValue?: number

Value of the border if BorderType is 'constant'.


Specify the rotation center point as a predefined string or a Point.


fullImage?: boolean

Bypasses width and height options to include every pixel of the original image inside the transformed image.

height?: number

Height of the output image.

interpolationType?: InterpolationType

Method to use to interpolate the new pixels.


inverse?: boolean

Whether the transform matrix should be inverted.

scale?: number

Scaling factor for the rotated image.


width?: number

Width of the output image.