Image width.
Image height.
Image options.
alphaSpecifying that the mask has no an alpha channel.
bitThe number of bits per value in each channel (always 1).
channelsThe number of channels in the mask, including the alpha channel (always 1).
colorThe color model of the mask (always BINARY).
componentsThe number of color channels in the image, excluding the alpha channel (always 1).
heightThe number of rows of the mask.
maxThe maximum value that a pixel channel can have.
originOrigin of the image relative to a the parent image.
sizeThe total number of bits in the mask (width × height).
widthThe number of columns of the mask.
Perform an AND operation on two masks.
Second mask.
options: AndOptionsAnd options.
AND of the two masks.
Bottom hat of an image.
options: BottomHatOptionsBottom hat options.
The bottom-hatted image.
Remove elements connected to the borders of an image.
options: ClearBorderOptionsClear border options.
The processed image.
Close an image.
options: CloseOptionsClose options.
The closed image.
Copy the mask to another one by specifying the location in the target mask.
The target mask.
The target with the source copied to it.
Dilate an image.
options: DilateOptionsDilate options.
The dilated image.
Draw a line defined by two points onto a mask.
Line starting point.
Line ending point.
Draw Line options.
The mask with the line drawing.
Draw a set of points on a mask.
Array of points.
Draw points on Image options.
New mask.
Draw a polygon defined by an array of points onto an mask.
Polygon vertices.
Draw Line options.
The mask with the polygon drawing.
Draw a polyline defined by an array of points on a mask.
Polyline array of points.
Draw polyline options.
The mask with the polyline drawing.
Draw a rectangle defined by position of the top-left corner, width and height.
Draw rectangle options.
The image with the rectangle drawing.
Erode a Mask.
options: ErodeOptionsErode options.
The eroded mask.
Apply flood fill algorithm from a given starting point.
options: FloodFillOptionsFlood fill options.
The filled mask.
Get the coordinates of the points on the border of a shape defined in a mask.
options: GetBorderPointsOptionsGet border points options.
Array of border points.
Get the vertices of the convex Hull polygon of a mask.
Array of the vertices of the convex Hull in clockwise order.
Get the value of a specific bit. Select bit using a point.
Coordinates of the desired biz.
Value of the bit.
Invert the colors of the mask.
options: InvertOptionsInversion options.
The inverted mask.
Apply morphological gradient to an image.
options: MorphologicalGradientOptionsMorphological gradient options.
The processed image.
Open an image.
options: OpenOptionsOpen options.
The opened image.
Paint a mask onto another mask and the given position and with the given value.
Mask to paint.
options: PaintMaskOnMaskOptionsPaint mask options.
The painted mask.
Set the value of a bit.
Column index.
Row index.
New bit value.
Set the value of a bit using index.
Index of the pixel.
Value to set.
Set the value of a bit. Function exists for compatibility with Image.
Column index.
Row index.
Index of the channel, must be zero.
New bit value.
Set the value of a bit using index. Function exists for compatibility with Image.
Index of the pixel.
Index of the channel, must be zero.
Value to set.
Fill holes in regions of interest.
options: SolidFillOptionsFlood fill options.
The filled mask.
Subtract other from a mask.
Image to subtract.
options: SubtractImageOptionsInversion options.
The subtracted mask.
Top hat of an image.
options: TopHatOptionsTop hat options.
The top-hatted image.
createCreate a new Mask based on the properties of an existing one.
Reference Mask.
Mask options.
New mask.
Construct a new Mask knowing its dimensions.