Interface GaussianBlurXYOptions

interface GaussianBlurXYOptions {
    borderType?: BorderType;
    out?: Image;
    sigmaX: number;
    sigmaY: number;
    sizeX?: number;
    sizeY?: number;


  • GaussianBlurBaseOptions
    • GaussianBlurXYOptions


borderType?: BorderType

Specify how the borders should be handled.


out?: Image

Image to which the resulting image has to be put.

sigmaX: number

The standard deviation for the x axis. Specifies the width of the gaussian function along x.

sigmaY: number

The standard deviation for the y axis. Specifies the width of the gaussian function along y.

sizeX?: number

Size of the X axis kernel.

2 * Math.ceil(2 * sigmaX) + 1

sizeY?: number

Size of the Y axis kernel.

2 * Math.ceil(2 * sigmaY) + 1