Interface GetBriefDescriptorsOptions

interface GetBriefDescriptorsOptions {
    descriptorLength?: number;
    patchSize?: number;
    pointsDistributionOptions?: Omit<GetGaussianPointsOptions, "nbPoints">;
    smoothingOptions?: GaussianBlurSigmaOptions;


descriptorLength?: number

Number of bits of the final descriptor. Typically a power or 2: 128, 256, 512.


patchSize?: number

Size of the patch around the keypoint used to compute the descriptor.


pointsDistributionOptions?: Omit<GetGaussianPointsOptions, "nbPoints">

Options to modify the gaussian distribution used to generate the points to compare.

smoothingOptions?: GaussianBlurSigmaOptions

Options to smooth the image patch before comparing pairs of points. Default values are the ones recommended in the original BRIEF article. DOI: