Interface GetAffineTransformOptions

interface GetAffineTransformOptions {
    bestKeypointRadius?: number;
    centroidPatchDiameter?: number;
    crosscheck?: boolean;
    debug?: boolean;
    debugImagePath?: string;
    destinationOrigin?: Point;
    enhanceContrast?: boolean;
    maxRansacNbIterations?: number;


bestKeypointRadius?: number


centroidPatchDiameter?: number


crosscheck?: boolean

Should only the crossckeck matches be considered.


debug?: boolean

Save images with matches for debugging.


debugImagePath?: string

Path of the debug image.


destinationOrigin?: Point

Origin of the destination image relative to the top-left corner of the source image. Roughly indicates the position of the destination image in the source image. Is used to filter matches by distance as well as to define a subarea of the source image to use for contrast enhancement.

{ column: 0, row: 0 }

enhanceContrast?: boolean

Should the contrast of the images be enhanced before feature matching.


maxRansacNbIterations?: number

Max number of iterations of the ransac algorithm.